Saturday, October 28, 2017

Chess Board Progress (Delay Announcement)

I'm sorry I couldn't post this sooner-I've been experiencing a lot of annoying Internet connectivity problems recently. Because of said Internet problems, along with work and school, I'm delaying the concept art video until next Saturday. I'm really sorry, but in order to make something that looks good without driving myself insane, I have to do this. Thank you for you patience.
But here, in the meantime, is what I have on my Chess-related finals for 3D-modeling class!

chess, chess board, chess pieces, chess army, 3D modeling, art, Autodesk Maya

Chess Board #1: An overhead view of the chess board! The armies are complete and ready for an abbreviated version of The Game of the Century.

chess, chess board, chess pieces, chess army, 3D modeling, Autodesk Maya, art

Chess Board #2: We've learned to play around with depth of field on the cameras in Maya, and now I can take beautiful shots like this.

chess, chess board, chess pieces, chess army, 3D modeling, Autodesk Maya, art

Chess Board #3: Here's a more sinister shot of the White royalty staring down the enemy.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Chess-Madness of the King (Teaser)

Chess-Madness of the King (Teaser): I have for you the title of the new Chess concept art video, The Madness of the King, along with this piece of teaser art. Some would say that Chess is just another dimension of life, and for the White King Edward, the realities are blurring. What once were his friends on the opposite side are now his enemies, and his only desire is to have the board completely under his control.
Working fast and hard on this video - it will be out next week!

Tools: Adobe Animate (formerly Flash).

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Laurie and Cumming (Plus Announcement)

First, announcement out of the way: I'm going to take a break from Wildcard Wednesdays. I've kept forgetting to do them for quite a while because of homework and my schedule, and until I'm on a better schedule to be doing them, I'd rather drop Wildcard Wednesdays and give you a crap ton of art than forget for the millionth time. So sorry about that! But the Saturday posts will keep coming, and I'll include a section called "Extras" for all the little bits of sketches and art that would normally go in Wildcard Wednesday.
But without further ado, here's some art!

Hugh Laurie, actor, life drawing, portraits, sketches, art, drawings

Hugh Laurie: We finally started working on faces and portraiture in life drawing! We studied two faces, and one of them was Hugh Laurie. The process behind this sketch was my teacher would take the photo into Photoshop and blur it so we could only make out value shapes. Then, in two and five minute increments, the teacher would slowly sharpen the photo, and we would add more detail and information to the sketch until the photo was completely sharpened.

Alan Cumming, actor, life drawing, sketches, portraits, art, drawings

Alan Cumming: We all put in slips of people to study for the last face in class, and we ended up drawing my suggestion, Alan Cumming. We used the same process of drawing him that we did with Hugh Laurie, and I love how this one turned out. He's got such an interesting face, and working wildly with the charcoal and white conte in his hair added a little extra flair to the overall piece.