Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wildcard Wednesday #15

This week, we can expect: Intense implied drama between Alice and the Hatter, while I rage over bad fan fiction. (These are all more school sketches which are going to be traced for vector homework)

Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, Alice, Mad Hatter

Alice #2: A dramatic moment between Alice and Hatter. After doing several drawings of my designs for the Alice in Wonderland characters, I really want to come up with some sequel story of my own. But I don't want it to be like Tim Burton's version (which, while visually interesting, is very befuddled in narrative). I'll figure something out the more I explore these concepts.

bad fanfiction, humor, sketches

Rage over Bad Fan Fiction: Me going nuts over a badly written fan fiction (with my Wheatley plushie nearby). Ever since I came across bad fan fics like Legolas by Laura or My Immortal, I keep reading/listening to bad fan fic for my own personal amusement. For me, it's a form of schadenfreude. I like seeing how people in their pursuit to express their passion about the fandoms they love inexplicably flounder along the way. Characters we love for certain traits get changed into character molds that fit all the fangirls' desires and needs. Mary Sues, Gary Stus, and damsels in distress (sometimes a hybrid of these) shove everyone else aside. English, grammar, and spelling don't always survive in the process. And sometimes (especially in the case of My Immortal), the worlds and stories we know get completely altered to make way for whatever concoctions the writer has cooked up.
Of course, I'm not saying all fan fics are like this. But all the best bad ones are.

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