Saturday, November 12, 2016

M3's Art Journal Samples Part 3

Okay, so this is it-the grand finale of my art journal samples! It was also the final entry post I made, and with this one, I pulled out all the creative stops and just went crazy. Understandably so, because this entry is based on the prompt of "dream".
I am a very active dreamer. I've been keeping dream journals since I was around twelve or thirteen. So of course I couldn't pick just one. Get ready to enter my mad dream world with this extensive entry!

art, art journal, concept development, dreams

Art Journal #12: Here is Layer One (yes, this is a multi-layered) of the dream entry. The Oscars were coming up soon at the time, so I themed the first layer like a red carpet for some of the notable characters and people that have shown up in my dreams (must remember to put down Megamind's name). Some are obscured by the invitation card.

art, art journal, concept development, dreams

Art Journal #13: Under the red carpet is Layer Two, with notable scenes from various dreams I've had.

art, art journal, concept development, dreams

Art Journal #14: Detail from Layer Two.

art, art journal, concept development, dreams

Art Journal #15: Detail from Layer Two. The middle scene is actually getting conceptualized into a story (Desoldri). And yes, if you're wondering, that is Alan Cumming's Emcee from Cabaret up there with me. Those dreams have been...interesting, to say the least.

art, art journal, concept development, dreams

Art Journal #16: Layer Three-various locations and inspirational soundtrack (some songs were in dreams, others illustrate my dream life).

art, art journal, concept development, dreams

Art Journal #17: Layer Four-side one of some of the strange scenarios I've had in dreams. Fortunately for me and everyone else, my dreams are pretty safe.

art, art journal, concept development, dreams

Art Journal #18: Side two of Layer Four-more scenarios (Maud's my twin, and I have saved her a lot in my dreams. He-who-must-not-be-named isn't Voldemort, I don't remember who "he" is at the moment)

art, art journal, concept development, dreams

Art Journal #19: And last but not least, Layer Five with some notable/recurring characters in dreams. Whew! If this were Inception, we'd be in Limbo by now! Notes: usually in "saving the world" dreams, I've had Bilbo Baggins at my side. I consider him to be like a fictional uncle. Joker was my boyfriend once-and to make it weirder, he was good at the time! But I was there to see his turn to evil, so you can imagine how strange that was. The Baron, as I think I've said before, is like my muse, and he has often come to me in dreams. And while I've never saved my twin from Freddy Krueger (not yet, at least), I used the picture to illustrate how I've often saved her from bad company with my powers of no.

Well, I hope these three posts gave you a little joy (and a chuckle, no doubt). I know I had fun going back over these samples from my art journal. Hopefully now that finals are simmering down, I'll be able to put up some new finished art for next Saturday.
(Note: Any pictures or photos used in collages for this entry don't belong to me)

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