Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Hi, ArtzDeeva here! (It is still me, M³, but with a new name for the new year)
Happy New Year, everyone! 2016 was quite the year, wasn't it? While it had celebrity deaths, divisive politics, and horrible things like Aleppo coming out the wazoo, for me personally it managed to have a few ups in it. One of those ups happens to be this blog! I started it in either April or May in conjunction with PAX East and have been valiantly doing my best to keep it up.
But as we take the plunge into 2017, there are going to be some changes.
While I build myself up as an animator, I want to get my art out there and share with people what I have, what I learn, and who I am as an artist. So think of these changes as expansions to this blog. My goal was to have everything ready and going by today, but life happens, so I'll let you know when progress is made.
One of the first things I'll be doing is opening up a Tumblr blog! That way I can make my art accessible on there as well (thinking about Instagram, not decided yet).
Secondly, I'll be creating watermarks and other such protective means to put on my art. I know, watermarks aren't fun, but especially when I take my art on Tumblr, I want to do as much as I can to protect my art. Once the watermark is made, I'll slap it on all my previous posts (except maybe on Wildcard Wednesday sketches). It should be showing up in about two weeks.
The watermarks are very important because thirdly (in the more distant future of the year), I'm planning on putting up a shop on the blog! It's still too hard to say at this point, but the soonest I can guess that this'll be open is possibly in the fall (it may end up being 2018's new thing).
I'll also be putting up a Facebook page soon-that will probably be one of the first things that gets done.
And lastly, I will be running a YouTube channel! This is probably the change I'm the most excited for, and hopefully I can get started at the beginning of February. My videos will mainly consist of speed draws, animatics, art slideshows, two fun tutorial series I have in mind, and also vlogs. The vlogs will be two types: project vlogs and personal vlogs. Project vlogs will give you more information about the original projects I'm working on, and personal vlogs will be, well, personal. But they'll also go into my animator's journey and what's inspired me to do art. I'll probably come up with more ideas, but this is just a starting point.
So that's basically the plan for 2017-giving this blog a super huge boost. I can't wait to get started, and I hope you all are as well!

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