Saturday, January 28, 2017

Priority Break!

Hi, ArtzDeeva here! I'm just here to say that unfortunately there won't be any art for today. In fact, I'm taking a break until I return with a finished piece for next Saturday.
I often struggle with prioritizing things in my life. I'm doing school, I've got my part-time job, I'm involved in a project I can't talk about, and I have my own artistic projects to work on as well. And I have a bad habit of getting the things that need to be done dealt with first, and by the time I get to the projects I want to work on, I've run out of time or stamina.
This week I really need to find the balance that I'm missing. That and I've got an accordion book to make a mock and official version of for class, so I really need to press on with that.
Worry not, I shall return next Saturday! By then I should have plenty of sketches and finished pieces ready for your pleasure-most of them back to original projects like Between God and the Devil, Arlecchino!, and Desoldri.

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