Saturday, February 25, 2017

BG&D Animation #1

BG&D Animation #1: Here it is, my finals animation for Raster class! I'm so excited to put this out. As my first finished animation ever, I feel pretty pleased about this. And there is music with this one as well! A simple little gag with a Chekhov's gun thrown in the mix, this is a little taste of Angelica and Valentyne's characters and personalities in action.

Tools: Corel Painter (background), Photoshop (animation and character coloring), and After Effects (editing). 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

#Wildcard Wednesday #33

This week, we can expect: a slice of Between God and the Devil through repeat patterns and an animation!

Between God and the Devil, angels, patterns, digital art

Pattern Print #1: In the end, I printed out both repeating patterns-I loved both of their color schemes so much, I though "Why should I have to choose?"

Between God and the Devil, angels, patterns, digital art

Pattern Print #2: Although when it came down to decisions on the repeat pattern, blue seemed to be the favorite on my Facebook page. One of the first questions my classmates asked me when they saw my prints was, "Are you selling these?" A store on the blog is in the works for the future, and when I'm ready I will be selling prints, including those of these two repeat patterns.

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, heaven, hell, animation

Sneak Peek #1: Because of finals, I haven't had a good chance to draw, so I thought I'd leave you with some behind-the-scenes teasers for my animation! Clean up is almost done, and all that's left to do is coloring.

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, heaven, hell, animation

Sneak Peek #2: Another look during the coloring process of my animation. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Angelic Patterns

For my 2-D Design class final, I had to make a repeat pattern, then make two copies of it in two different color schemes in Photoshop. Here they are!

Between God and the Devil, repeat patterns, angels, digital art

Angelic Pattern #1: Because I didn't feel like doing any patterns that were completely abstract or floral, I decided to do one around my original character Angelica (Between God and the Devil). The first version of the pattern has a pink color scheme.

Between God and the Devil, repeat patterns, angels

Angelic Pattern #2: This next version is in a blue color scheme. At first I didn't like it as much as the pink one, but I've started warming up to it. I have to print one of these for finals, and now I don't know which one to choose (feel free to comment which one you like best!).
I honestly didn't think I was going to enjoy this last assignment - like I said, I'm not one for completely abstract things or intricate patterns. But I really enjoyed making the repeat pattern, and I think I'll make more of them in the future.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #32

This week, we can expect: visual planning for my finals animation!

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, doodles, sketches, concept art, animation

BG&D #16: As part of homework, I had to do sketches exploring my finals idea for Raster. This is the basic storyboard for the animation (note: I'm not reusing the pencil test anymore-I couldn't link it well with the idea I had-but it's still a comedic bit with Valentyne and Angelica).

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, doodles, sketches, concept art, animation

BG&D #17: Portrait sketch of Valentyne.

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, doodles, sketches, concept art, animation

BG&D #18: Portrait sketch of Angelica (it's been a while since I've drawn her, so I needed some practice).

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, doodles, sketches, concept art, animation

BG&D #19: Because Valentyne and Angelica's usual designs are too detailed for a short animation due in two weeks, I had to make some simplifications, and I achieved them through facial expressions.

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, doodles, sketches, concept art, animation

BG&D #20: Some facial expressions for Angelica. Twenty pieces of free drawing on this project - I'd definitely call this a milestone!

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Desoldri, concept art, sketches, traditional media

Desoldri-Fireside: Desoldri and Kurian have been living ten years without the sun. In all this time, they've been told that the world as they know is doomed to end, that their days are numbered. But because it's been ten years since these apocalyptic declarations were made, Desoldri is beginning to wonder if there's more that the people in the monastery aren't telling her. Because doubt is forbidden, Desoldri discusses her theories with Kurian late at night.
I was inspired to make some pencil concept art after seeing so much Disney concept art over the last couple of weeks. And while this isn't my finest attempt, I am trying to work with practicing lighting in my compositions.

Tools: Dick Blick pencils.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #31

This week, we have: a finished pencil test!
Also, I have returned from priority (and brief tendinitis) break!

Valentyne Finished Pencil Test: Well, I did it-my first full pencil test of my own character! I cannot tell you how amazing it has been to work on this. For so long I've been looking at my characters just acting still on the page. Now that I've brought one to life through the powers of animation, it's incredible. My character is no longer just a figure standing still-he's a living thing.
I know, I know, that may sound a little over dramatic, but it's the truth.
Also, exciting news! I'm going to be using this clip for my final project for Raster class-and my final project will be an 30 frames animation of Valentyne and Angelica! It's going to take cleaning up, a lot of coloring, and some backgrounds from Corel Painter (which I'm loving that software, by the way), but I can make it work. I can't wait to share it with you all!