Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #34

This week, we can expect: chess and preparation for creative justice!

chess, black, white, storyboard, character designs, concept art

Chess-Origins: I know I'm a day early for a throwback, but here's one nonetheless-all the way back from 2013! In my storyboard class, my final storyboard was going to be about a White pawn defecting to the Black with the help of some friends on the other side. But because my teacher couldn't see how I could fit it in the final, I caved in and did a storyboard on the Bluebeard legend (which you'll see in due time). I found these sketches yesterday, and nearly cried-I wanted so badly to show off my characters in a finals assignment. My classmates loved the concepts. But coming up this spring quarter, I will seek creative revenge!

chess, black, white, character sketches, concept art

Chess #8: Next quarter, I have Electronic Illustration with my storyboard teacher. So this time, knowing what I'm in store for and being a stronger artist, I'm going to make my finals assignment centered on my Chess people. Heck, it could even involve the proposed story I had in mind for storyboard class! So for now on my break, I am refining, reworking, and practicing drawing my characters and building the world they live in.

chess, black, white, character designs, concept art

Chess #9: The timing for my creative revenge couldn't be perfect. For years I've been struggling with this concept. I knew what my characters looked like, and even had a grasp for their relationships with each other. But I didn't have a full, overarching story to go with them. It always boiled down to a traditional "good versus evil" story or a drama, and neither of those felt fun or exciting for me. But as I'm preparing this concept for spring finals, I'm getting a better idea of what the story should be.

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