Saturday, September 30, 2017

Chess - Bishop v Knight Test

Chess - Bishop v Knight Test: Getting the hang of Flash has been a little rocky, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of things! This was a little pencil test I did of a bishop versus a knight (definitely going to have to revisit my run cycles).

Tools: Adobe Animate (Flash).

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #62

This week, we have: the transition to charcoal in life drawing!

life drawing, sketches, drawings, art

Life Drawing #6: These drawings are from Monday night's session, and we were lucky to have the same model from last week pose for us again. We started moving towards charcoal, a medium I love but can find tricky at times (and definitely messy).

life drawing, sketches, drawings, art

Life Drawing #7: One of the things I soon struggled with was medium values with charcoal. It can be hard to get any subtlety out of something as bold and sharp.

life drawing, sketches, drawings, subtractive drawings, art

Life Drawing #8: The last piece of the evening was a subtractive drawing, where we didn't focus so much on capturing the whole body, but on focusing on the relation of shapes. I found getting the medium highlights I wanted was easier to pick up with a gummy eraser than to scratch in and blend with the charcoal stick.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


chess, black, white, queen, sketches, concept art, art

Chess - Conservatory: In this piece of concept art, we see the Black queen Florence in her private conservatory. It was made specially for her by her husband, the Black king Alistair, and serves as sanctuary. Enemies would do better not to disturb her here.

Tools: Pencil (outlining) and Sakura Micron pens.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

(Belated) Wildcard Wednesday #61

This week, we have: drawing from life! I lost track of time posting yesterday because of school, but it's just as well, because I came back from a really good session of life drawing with some improving sketches!

life drawing, sketches, drawings, art

Life Drawing #2: Started off the evening with gestures, as usual.

life drawing, sketches, drawings, art

Life Drawing #3: Last night was just a review of proportion tools, but unlike Monday night's session, I feel like I was finally starting to get the hang of things. The model we worked with had a lot of good poses for us to sketch from.

life drawing, sketches, drawing, art

Life Drawing #4: This one, I believe, had less time to work on than the previous drawing. I've found that too often I try mapping out the form and setting in the hard contour lines and details at the same time. So this evening I spent more time mapping out the model, making sure the proportions and angles checked out, so that with what little time I had left, I could put in contours and details and know they were in the right places.

life drawing, sketches, drawings, art

Life Drawing #5: Last sketch of the evening. I think I started getting a little too fixed early on, but otherwise, this just shows even more my different approach last night. I feel the most pleased about how the torso, arms, and left leg turned out.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Pitch Black Animation

Pitch Black: Short little test animation I made this week. I was in the mood for animating one of my favorite animated villains.
(I'm going to be moving over from Photoshop to Flash, or Animate, for future animations)

Tools: Photoshop. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #60

This week, we can expect: more Chess stuff (showing off a bit of my first Maya work) and some of my first life drawing sketches.

chess, pawn, Autodesk Maya, 3D modeling

Chess-Pawn: Today marks a momentous occasion - I have only just been getting the basics of Maya for two days now, and I've already constructed a pawn with a matted color! Now that I can construct something like this, finals will definitely be Chess themed.

chess, black, white, king, queen, concept art, sketches, art

Chess #33: Going to be working on a lot of Chess art over the next two months, some of which I can't show 'til later or until the next concept art video comes out. One of the things I'm trying to get down to memory is the designs for all the different characters, especially the kings, now that they finally have their own distinct designs.

life drawing, sketches, art, gestures

Life Drawing #1: Like I've said before, I'm finally taking a life drawing class this quarter. And I have to say, it is possibly one of the best classes I've ever taken so far. Drawing from real live models is incredible, and I feel like every night I attend, I keep growing in skill, excitement, and passion for what I'm going into. The model drawn in these sketches was a wonderful poser.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Back To School Feelings

animation, student, art, sketches, doodles

Animator in the Making #1: This week ushered in the return to school, and I couldn't be more excited! I'm taking an Intro to 3D Modeling and Animation class, and one of the most essentials classes an artist could need, life drawing! Maya will soon be added to the list of programs I'm fluent in, and drawing people will come with more ease and understanding. I feel like such an evil genius right now.

Tools: Pencil (outlining), Prismacolor pens, Crayola colored pencils, and Sakura blendable markers.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #59

This week, we have: a return to Chess stuff! Sorry there isn't much today. After the off week I had, it's time to make up for lost time on drawing.

chess, king, concept art, character design, sketches, doodles

Chess #32: A little inspirational drawing of the Black King Alistair. As I prepare for the next concept art video, I'm trying to round out not just the kings' character designs but also their voices and how big their role in the series will be.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Self Healing

This week took an unusual turn. I had most of it off and I meant to do lots of art and animation, but things were just falling apart inside for me. Sometimes you have to make time to help yourself. So instead of any project related art, this is an art therapy session.

art therapy, blendable markers, art, sketches, doodles

Transition: Things have been going very well for me of late. I finally figured out what I wanted to do in life, I'm earning my way to that dream, and I'm going to school to enrich myself. But I often feel like despite all this, I'm holding myself back. Slowly but surely, I'm trying to embrace all of who I am so that I can really grow into the person I want to be.
(Also, finally got my first set of blendable markers!)

Tools: Pencil (outlining), Prismacolor pens, and Sakura Koi blendable markers.

art therapy, art, MBTI, MBTI personality types, personality traits, ENFJ, sketches, doodles

My ENFJ Sides: Based on the MBTI personality test, I'm an ENFJ. ENFJs are charismatic, enthusiastic, and great with communication and understanding people's feelings. These are all the different sides of my brand of ENFJ to better understand myself. Lately, some traits like responsibility and putting other's needs above my own have been self-sabotaging me, while other traits like honesty and creativity could stand to thrive even more.

Tools: Pencil (outlining), Prismacolor pens, Crayola colored pencils, and Elmer's glitter glue.