Sunday, October 30, 2016

Fantasy Forest

Fantasy Forest: A little throwback to my concept development class earlier this year.

Inspiration: This was an assignment where we went through a famous wildlife photographer's pictures and redesigned one of them in a unique style. At the time, I was thinking of Sleeping Beauty, and while this woodland view definitely doesn't look like a set from there, I still wanted to make a normal bit of scenery that was heightened with a touch of fantasy.
(Sorry I'm a day late! Homework has made time fly away from me)

Tools: Faber-Castell artist pens and Infinity metallic markers.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wildcard Wednesday #18

Today, we actually have a theme again! This is all themed around the Arlecchino/commedia dell'arte concept.

Arlecchino, commedia dell'arte, character designs, concept art

Arlecchino #2: Character design sheet - Arlecchino is a wild, mischievous servant who's as flexible and active as an acrobat, but often thinking with his stomach.

Columbina, commedia dell'arte, character designs, concept art

Arlecchino #3: Character design sheet - Columbina (or in some versions Smeraldina) is a kind-hearted servant with more intelligence than most servants. She's not afraid to give her master what for if he's treating her badly.

Pantalone, commedia dell'arte, character designs, concept art

Arlecchino #4: Character design sheet - Pantalone is a greedy, sleazy merchant who bosses his servants around and enjoys the company of his best friend, the Dottore (still thinking of a name for him).

Pierrot, commedia dell'arte, character designs, concept art

Arlecchino #5: Character design sheet - Pierrot is a melancholy-looking dreamer at heart, often going to work with his head in the clouds. He's quite the contrasting friend to the livelier Arlecchino.

Arlecchino, Columbina, Pierrot, Pantalone, Dottore, commedia dell'arte, concept art

Arlecchino #6: These are all possible cover designs for a graphic novel series of the Arlecchino concept. I like to go over my drawings with my Prismacolor pens, but this week was really busy and time got away from me, so that's why not all of these are inked in.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Forest of Drizzling Rain, Suga, RPG horror

FODR-Suga: One of the main characters of the RPG horror game Forest of Drizzling Rain (or FODR, as I'm shortening it to), based on one of my Wildcard Wednesday sketches, Suga. A quiet, mysterious, and sensitive young man, he is the manager of the Kanzaki mansion always warning visitors to never enter the forest. And he has a promise to keep with a long-forgotten friend.

Inspiration: I freakin' love this guy. He is amazing with his blue nightstone sword, and also  a little more dimensional with his "cry-baby" tendencies and fondness for the other main character, Shiori.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, physical sketch.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Wildcard Wednesday #17

This week, we can expect: Alice gets mad with the Hatter, all the while Angelica encounters Valentyne and Admetus, and two new concepts get briefly introduced! (Again, all from my school sketchbook)

Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, Alice, Mad Hatter, March Hair, Dormouse, Wonderland

Alice #2: A little scenario I drew of Alice and the gang on a dangerous (and clearly quarrelsome) adventure together.

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, concept art

Between God and the Devil #15: A little scenario where Angelica is in pursuit of Admetus.

Between God and the Devil, angels, demons, concept art

Between God and the Devil #16: Our two primary characters during their second ever meeting. My teacher got a chuckle out of this.

Desoldri, concept art

Desoldri #1: Preview of a character from a project I've been working on for a while (Desoldri)-more information coming up soon!

Arlecchino, Pierrot, Pantalone, Dottore, Columbina, commedia dell'arte, concept art

Arlecchino #1: Preview of a new project I'm working on. This is directly inspired by the characters and stories of the world of commedia dell'arte. I wish to create either a webcomic or at a later time, an animated series that would be a mix of traditional commedia dell'arte plays and Blackadder the Third involving these characters. From left to right: Pantalone, Columbina, Arlecchino, Pierrot, and Dottore.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Warhol Valentyne

Between God and the Devil, Valentyne, demons, digital art

Warhol Valentyne: Because having one Valentyne in one specific color scheme wasn't enough.

Inspiration: This is based off of the Illustrator drawing from last week's Saturday art. Earlier this week in class, I had fun using the fast and awesome color editing on eight other versions of the drawing. The Russian pop art palette really caught my eye, and I think it looks pretty well on Valentyne (two or three versions use different palettes).

Tools: Adobe Illustrator.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wildcard Wednesday #16

Hi, M³ here! This week, we can expect: a company out for a goddess's blood, Eleven doing incredible stuff with her mind, while Kanzaki and Suga watch in in awe and Jack Frost sets in.

Kill the Goddess!, concept art

Kill the Goddess! Cover Concept: This is just a little cover idea from my school sketchbook. I'll probably preview Kill the Goddess! as a graphic novel/web comic series before I can finally animate it, so this is just one concept for that particular version of the project.

Stranger Things, Eleven, fan art

Stranger Things-Eleven: Stranger Things is one of my top favorite shows ever! I finished it in two days and binge-watched it twice with friends, and I'm definitely watching it again before season two comes out. In the midst of all my heavy homework, I didn't get a chance to do any fan art for this, but now there'll be lots more where this came from (Eleven is such a beast!). This is also a work in progress, as you can tell by the inked in eyes.

Forest of Drizzling Rain, Kirisame, RPG horror, Kanzaki, Shiori

FODR-Kanzaki WIP: Last week I introduced myself to an RPG horror gem, Forest of Drizzling Rain (or Kirisame), and I love it! (Plot in a nutshell: when Kanzaki's parents die, she goes off to learn about her outer family, but comes across horror and forgotten memories involving a vengeful ghost. It's a spooky, touching game-check it out!) I'll also start doing some fan art for this, plus it'll be a good excuse to bring my manga drawing skills back to shape. Hand trace in Illustrator based off of physical sketch.

Forest of Drizzling Rain, Kirisame, RPG horror, Suga

FODR-Suga WIP: This is the other main character from Forest of Drizzling Rain, Suga. He is such an awesome, lonely character. He is the manager of the family mansion Kanzaki goes to visit, and a whole lot say anything else about his character would be full of spoilers! Also a hand trace in Illustrator based off of a physical sketch.

Rise of the Guardians, Jack Frost, Dreamworks, animation

Jack Frost: Here in Nebraska we've got our first freeze warning, so to welcome the frost, what better way than with a sketch of this guy? (sketched either last year or earlier this year) Rise of the Guardians is one of the two Dreamworks movies I actually like (the other being the underrated Megamind), and Jack Frost is one of my favorite animated characters of all time. He and this movie were also the final push I needed to realize how much I wanted to go into animation.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Trump-The Buddha of Tyranny

Donald Trump, 2016 Election, politics, political humor

Trump-The Buddha of Tyranny; From the day he announced his run for election, we all thought it was a joke. But it's not anymore. And now we're living in a cautionary tale that could take a bad turn for the worse if we're not wise with our vote.

Inspiration: I don't like being outwardly political about things like this election cycle. But in light of recent dirt dug up on Trump and the fact that this is the first election I can vote in, I have to speak out at least once. I have greatly disliked Trump from the beginning of the election for obvious reasons. Reasons such as his sexism, bigotry, bully attitude, and overall stupidity. But especially after hearing the 2005 off-camera boasts about trying to grope women, I am beyond raged.
So I made this. This is how I see Trump. This is how I feel about Trump. Send me flames or support, it won't change my feelings. This man won't have my vote.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, physical sketch.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Saturday Art-First Digital Pieces!

Hi, M³ here! Today's the first day back to the art blog! And so to kick it off, here are two sample of my first digital art done on Illustrator (I'm still learning, so much of the first stuff won't be anything too stellar-still experimenting with exporting stuff as well).

Between God and the Devil, Valentyne, concept art, digital art

Valentyne: This is the first little bit of vector art I did that I actually felt proud of. Being someone who isn't quite adept to technology as my millennial peers, learning Illustrator has been difficult at times, but this was the piece that made me feel like I was finally breaking though. Simply changing the plain strokes made by the Pencil Tool with the charcoal option from the Brush library and adding color gave Valentyne new life.

Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, fan art, Alice, Mad Hatter

Alice-Dramatic Pause: This is the colored image trace based off of Alice #2 (see Wildcard Wednesday #15). I had some issues with the layers while painting Hatter (which is why the details in his ear are very faint), but otherwise it turned out fine. Again, giving my drawings color helped bring life into them that I couldn't see with just the plain Pencil lines.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator, physical drawings (for Alice-Dramatic Pause)

Monday, October 3, 2016

The Art Returns!

Hi, M³ here! This is the last week of my accelerated class, so after Thursday, the art is going to come back on a regular basis again!
I know it ruined the flow of action on the art blog. But trust me when I say that if I'd tried keeping this up while working my way through the accelerated class, I would've gone crazy. The amount of homework involved for each module is substantial, but it's even worse when I add on the homework from the other two classes. I couldn't have done it even if I wanted to.
But fortunately, that will all be over soon. I have never stopped drawing in all the five weeks I've spent in this class, and with that combined with vector-related sketches and pieces, there'll be no shortage of art.
So for anyone who's been following my art and had to wait, thank you for your patience! I can't wait to share more art with you all.