Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #38

This week, we can expect: a new animation and an eccentric detective.

Slava the Shade: This week in animation class, we did a group project, involving a transforming object being shared around by various characters. For my bit, I pulled out a character I created in storyboard class - Slava the Shade.

Death Note, L, anime, manga, fan art

L: My brother and I have been binging Death Note (our first time seeing it), and I have been having so much fun with this series. Anime is very different, so I'm still getting used to it. Death Note has been the first show that I've really consumed with fervor.
As you can guess by the drawing, L is already one of my favorite characters. I have a thing for intelligent, clever characters in fiction. I drew him during animation class when the group project was taking a while and I was trying to keep myself awake for the nightly trek back home.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Squeaky Door

Squeaky Door: Here's this week's animation from class! The challenge was fifteen frames set to some audio. (After Effects cut off one of my frames)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #37

This week, we can expect: a sneak peek to another animation, and some more Chess art!
(also, I've been going through more tendonitis issues, might have to take a health break)

animation, frame, traditional media

Anim. #1: Here's one of the extremes from my latest animation-this one is fifteen drawings. I'll put it up this Saturday when I finally retrieve it from the server!

chess, black, white, pawn, bishop, concept art

Chess #11: A free-style Chess drawing I did in Painter during my spare time in Electronic Media. Proportions aren't quite right and everything, but I still liked the mod of the drawing.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Plucker-Animatic #1

The Plucker-Animatic #1: This is an animatic I made a little over a year ago, based on Brom's The Plucker. This was a lot of fun to work on back then, and I definitely want to make more based off of the story.
(All the characters and story belong to Brom)

Tools: Pencil (tracing), Prismacolor pens, Tombow brush tip gray scale markers, and MovieMaker.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #36

This week, we can expect: an animation (yay!), and some schoolwork sketches.
(Also, my apologies for not posting Saturday-it was a busy week, I had a friend and my sis over for the week, and I lost track of time)

Animation Exercise 1: I had my first animation class three nights ago, and my teacher's already got us animating. The object of this exercise was to start with a ball, transform it into something else, and then back to a ball again in thirty drawings. And this was the result! This was so much fun, and there will definitely be more of these to come.

sketches, chiaroscuro, george de la tour, mary magdalene

School Sketch #1: For my Electronic Media class, I have to keep a sketchbook. This week I had to draw from master paintings that employed the use of chiaroscuro, and then I was to work with actual subjects for further chiaroscuro sketches. George de la Tour's Magdalene with a Smoking Flame has always been one of my favorite paintings. I tried a new style of drawing for the chiaroscuro sketches - rather than do line work like I usually do with drawings, I just focused on the shadows.

sketches, chiaroscuro, traditional media

School Sketch #2: Another chiaroscuro sketch, this time with my mom as the subject.

sketches, Rembrandt, chiaroscuro

School Sketch #3: Another chiaroscuro drawing, based on a self portrait by Rembrandt.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #35

This week, we can expect: more Chess preparations and the basic sketch for last Saturday's piece!

chess, black, white, pawn, bishop, concept art, traditional media, storyboard

Chess #10: Been doing more prep work on my Chess concept for Electronic Media. I have even written four bits of screenplay, showcasing some plot establishing scenes and character developing scenes! I'm so excited-this is the closest I've ever gotten on this project to actually developing a story I want to tell.

The Jester, Makedo Entertainment, fan art, horror, sketches

The Jester Sketch: Here's the sketch of my Jester piece, without color or correcting. Even when I'm drawing pieces that are going to go through Photoshop enhancement, I still try my best to do a good sketch that can stand out on its own. Just because Photoshop makes it easy doesn't mean I should grow lazy in my artistry.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Jester

MakeDo Entertainment, The Jester, horror, short film, fan art, digital art

The Jester: My brother and I recently discovered a short horror film called The Jester by MakeDo Entertainment. Honestly, we were too blown away by how cool the Jester himself was to be completely scared.

Tools: Hand drawn sketch (pencil and Sharpie pen), Photoshop for coloring and correcting.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wildcard Wednesday #34

This week, we can expect: chess and preparation for creative justice!

chess, black, white, storyboard, character designs, concept art

Chess-Origins: I know I'm a day early for a throwback, but here's one nonetheless-all the way back from 2013! In my storyboard class, my final storyboard was going to be about a White pawn defecting to the Black with the help of some friends on the other side. But because my teacher couldn't see how I could fit it in the final, I caved in and did a storyboard on the Bluebeard legend (which you'll see in due time). I found these sketches yesterday, and nearly cried-I wanted so badly to show off my characters in a finals assignment. My classmates loved the concepts. But coming up this spring quarter, I will seek creative revenge!

chess, black, white, character sketches, concept art

Chess #8: Next quarter, I have Electronic Illustration with my storyboard teacher. So this time, knowing what I'm in store for and being a stronger artist, I'm going to make my finals assignment centered on my Chess people. Heck, it could even involve the proposed story I had in mind for storyboard class! So for now on my break, I am refining, reworking, and practicing drawing my characters and building the world they live in.

chess, black, white, character designs, concept art

Chess #9: The timing for my creative revenge couldn't be perfect. For years I've been struggling with this concept. I knew what my characters looked like, and even had a grasp for their relationships with each other. But I didn't have a full, overarching story to go with them. It always boiled down to a traditional "good versus evil" story or a drama, and neither of those felt fun or exciting for me. But as I'm preparing this concept for spring finals, I'm getting a better idea of what the story should be.