Saturday, July 30, 2016

Birthday Break!

Hi, M³ here! I've got two little things to let you in on.
So the first one is that me and my sister's birthday is coming up! (Yes, we're twins) A couple weeks after that, she heads off to Doane. This will be the first time we've ever truly been separated, and because of this, I want to make her gift extra special. Unfortunately, I only have a week to do it, so I'm going to put all the time that I have towards making her gift. This, on top of our birthday being on a Saturday, means that there won't be a finished piece of art for next Saturday. There will still be a Wildcard Wednesday though, and any other random sketches I've thrown together will be posted the Friday before my birthday.
The last thing is I'm thinking of giving my Wildcard Wednesdays themes. When I can doodle whatever I want, sometimes I'm at a loss as to what I should draw. This carries into the break room at work. And on the worst days there, sometimes I'm so miserable, I can't even draw anything. So to give myself some focus, I'm going to start introducing themes into the mix. I'll keep next week's theme a surprise.
That's all for now! Have a great weekend!

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