Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Recovery Break and Quick Updates!

Hi, ArtzDeeva here! So first off, there is no Wildcard Wednesday today. Finals and the film festival were eating up my time, and combined with construction of my Patreon page, I simply ran out of time. That and the fact that I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. Yeah, I'm going to be miserable and loopy. But while I'm recovering, I'll be making up for lost time in between Patreon stuff and searching for a summer job.
(Also, I'll be releasing my Chess animation from finals this Saturday-can't wait to share it with you all! This was a labor of love, and I'm excited to finally be animating these characters)
Also, I have to say...finals did not go well at all. Drawing for electronic media in particular. In a nutshell, my teacher sent us all off feeling like a bunch of failures. This isn't making me doubt myself as an artist, but it sure has put a dent in my morale (I know there are ways for me to improve my art, but man...he ripped us all to shreds). Not to worry, though! I'm already beginning to bounce back from this unfortunate instance. Patreon is not only a welcome thing to take my mind off of finals, but as you will soon see, it will continue to push me as an artist just as my teachers have in the past.
As for my Patreon page, I'm still in the early stages of construction. I'm determined to make more progress today and during my recovery. I'm going to be keeping things on there very basic for now - I only have three manageable reward tiers. But I've got something that will not only entertain my patrons but also give them a hand in my artistic progress (I shall reveal more in a later post).
Anyways, that's all the news for now! Sorry again about Wildcard Wednesday today, but at least there's the Chess animation to look forward to this weekend.
Until then (and after my recovery), cheers!

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