Saturday, August 27, 2016

Kill the Goddess!-Teaser Art

Kill the Goddess!: This is a new concept that I've added to the list of many original projects I'm developing. This is inspired off of my fascination and irritations with the indie horror game Anna by Dreampainters LTD. Here's just the basics for now: when Bianca, a goddess from the League of Gods over [insert land name here], is treated harshly by the mortals in her attempts to win their worship, she lashes out. She kills the other gods and begins to sweep the land under a terrible curse-a curse to give their undying devotion to her. Before their untimely deaths, the gods managed to banish Bianca to a desolate mountaintop, but the growing faith in her is slowly waking her up from her sleep.
Five brave souls are sent to the mountains to find Bianca and put an end to her reign of terror.
So yeah, that's it! I want to turn this into a miniseries, but I want to test it out as a graphic novel/comic series on this blog soon. Here's not one, not two, but three pieces of teaser art (as always, keep in mind that many characters and designs are still in early development).

Kill the Goddess!, gods, mythology, concept art

Nirvena's Temple: The gods may be dead, but that doesn't mean the mortals don't visit their temples anymore. One of the main characters (unnamed at the moment, but code named "Amazon") visits this temple belonging to the goddess of wisdom, Nirvena, in the hope of finding a way to free her mother, who was cursed by Bianca into becoming a doll that weeps every night.

Kill the Goddess!, gods, mythology, concept art

Bianca's Twin Curse: Bianca craves either devoted followers or the souls to help stir her from her sleep. And as part of her reign of terror, she found a way to claim more of the latter. Any male twins who were born during or after the time she killed the gods shall be claimed by her upon reaching manhood. This will affect two main characters in the story. More details on the Twin Curse will be explained with backstory later.

Kill the Goddess!, gods, mythology, concept art

The Company: These are the five people sent to destroy Bianca before she awakens. They each have their reasons for going on such a dangerous quest. For some, it's revenge. For others, it's to defend the mortals in their greatest time of need. And for one, as established in the first piece, it's for family. These characters and their backstories will be further explored in upcoming sketches and pieces.

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