Sunday, June 19, 2016

Introducing Make Up Mondays!

Hi, M³ here! I have improved immensely since my last post. For now, I don't have anymore tendinitis-related problems-and two days off! Which means I can spend time on catching up on art.
I know I missed last week's Saturday posting. And I really don't like breaking a routine. So I'm going to give myself a cushion, if you will, in case things like tendinitis or life get in the way of art, and that is through Make Up Monday. Any Saturday art postings I miss will show up the following Monday.
And yeah, that's pretty much it! Tomorrow, the new art that was due will show up, and it's going to be We Happy Few themed. Compulsion Games released a new trailer at Microsoft's E3 gaming conference, and it's now become a surprise hit, garnering several awards and nominations. Best of all, the trailer has given a little more of a peek into the narrative aspect of the game, featuring the protagonist Arthur Hastings just as he chooses not to take Joy. I'm so excited to share it with you tomorrow!
Also, I'm really getting invested in my project Between God and the Devil-there's more concept art coming up, and maybe even a finished piece by the end of the week!

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