Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wildcard Wednesday #7

This week, we can expect to see: Miss Thigh Highs chilling in her spacey bedroom while Wellies panic over a Downer, all the while imps prepare to hunt down a corrupt angel.

We Happy Few, Compulsion Games, dystopia

We Happy Few WIP2*: This is a Thigh Highs-centric journal entry for my We Happy Few journal (coming this Saturday!)

We Happy Few, Compulsion Games, dystopia

We Happy Few #2: Just when I thought the developers had given nothing about Miss Thigh Highs, I was combing through their updates and found concept art of her bedroom. She sleeps under a Milky Way mobile. Sounds pretty cool to me! (Space core would love that for sure!)

We Happy Few, Compulsion Games, dystopia

We Happy Few #3: Was in the mood to draw Wellies during my break, so I drew them reacting to a Downer (presumably poor Arthur).

angels, demons, heaven, hell

Between God and the Devil: Been working a lot on story and characters this week. This drawing presents two parts in the story. One of them being Bucksnip gathering a gang of fellow imps to take over Blasphemous Behemoth. But it's not just about being the new lords of Hell. This is also a revenge quest after the angel who denied Bucksnip heaven-Admetus.
Beyond that, I'm still figuring out Admetus's character. But all I can say is he is the definite antagonist of the movie. He used to be a Tempter for God until he settled for a position as an Angel Superior. Because of his former Tempter duties, Admetus can change his appearance and voice at will. And not only is his Holy Light one of the brightest, but his powers to manipulate the mind, heart, and soul are great. Oh, if only they were used with good intentions. Admetus is rumored to be hiding in plain sight at Blasphemous Behemoth.

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