Thursday, June 8, 2017

(Belated) Wildcard Wednesday #47

This week, we can expect: an in-progress viewing of a Cirque du Soleil piece I'm working on! This is a project I've been doing just for myself over the years, but I'm giving the whole thing a new treatment and new life through Photoshop. I'll put up my progress on a small animation I'm working on this Saturday!
(Sorry for the delay-was having technical difficulties yesterday, ended up just saving my progress pics from Instagram, which will explain the filters)

Cirque du Soleil, fan art, sketches, Solstrom

CdS Page-Sketch: This is where the digital work originates from. It was just a random doodle I did during school earlier this year. Because I loved the composition so much, I decided to turn this into a piece of digital art.

Cirque du Soleil, fan art, sketches, digital art, Solstrom

CdS Page-WIP #1: I considered scanning in the sketch and working from there, but I wanted to make the image bigger in Photoshop. So I just decided to start over from scratch, glancing at my sketch to keep the same feel and composition.

Cirque du Soleil, fan art, sketches, digital art, Solstrom

CdS Page-WIP #2: Here is the finished line art. While I have gotten much more comfortable with the Intuos, I decided to keep my lines pretty loose so I wouldn't get hung up on perfectly drawn out lines. And I felt it added a bit of a playful feeling to the characters.

Cirque du Soleil, fan art, sketches, digital art, Solstrom

CdS Page-WIP #3: The first round of coloring on the first panel. I played with the hue and saturation/brightness levels on an image of Zaia (the girl hiding) to get the exact darker hues I needed. I ended up scrapping the dull gray shadows and the erroneously green underside of the sofa.

Cirque du Soleil, fan art, sketches, digital art, Solstrom

CdS Page-WIP #4: The first panel finished! Used the eye dropper tool to get the exact colors for the room (it's based on a location in an episode of Cirque du Soleil-Solstrom) and on the purple-legged character. This panel was a little labor intensive-and I still have no clue how to do real blending on Photoshop-but I'm pleased with the results.

Cirque du Soleil, fan art, sketches, digital art, Solstrom

CdS Page-WIP #5: My latest progress leaves off with the start of coloring on the second panel. While I love the Baron, there are several details about him that can make him frustrating to draw (I hate drawing stripes).

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