Saturday, June 17, 2017

Cirque and Politics

It's another double piece weekend! My summer, job wise, has taken a weird turn for the better, and because of all the time that I've got, there'll be plenty more double piece weekends to come, I'm sure.

Cirque du Soleil, Saltimbanco, Zaia, Solstrom, fan art, digital art, sketches

CdS-Duet: Been doing a lot of thumbnailing for my "for fun" Cirque du Soleil page project. I made a couple of these two as Zaia (the young woman) performs an aerial strap solo. So I decided to turn those images and feelings into an illustration.

Jeff Sessions, testimony, Russian investigation, Justice, political art, sketch

Justice and Sessions: I don't talk about it often, but ever since Trump got elected, I've been in and out of states of political angst. Rather than express these feelings with words, since people use words all the time, I'm instead turning to political art. This was in response to the Jeff Sessions testimony. He looked very nervous and couldn't stop squirming in his seat or sipping water. Perhaps it was because a certain someone was haunting his desk at the moment. (I played around with some embossing filters to get this strange, nightmarish effect)

Tools: Photoshop, thumbnails (for CdS-Duet).

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