Saturday, June 24, 2017

Going on Patreon-The Basics

Hi, ArtzDeeva here! I apologize in advance, there is no finished art for today. This week was crazy, and I finally got a job! Yesterday was the first day, and one of the activities (which fortunately is not the norm for work) reawakened the tendinitis ghosts in my wrist and elbow. I'll be okay, but I need at least a day of recovery.
But I am here to tell you the new launch date of my Patreon and some of the details concerning it.
First off, the launch date is Independence Day! What better way to celebrate going indie? After having more time to better prepare for Patreon, I now feel more ready than ever. Although in many ways I still feel very unprepared.
Secondly, I'll talk a bit about the rewards. I have four tiers of rewards in place. $1 is eternal gratitude and also all sneak peeks into developments and works in progress. I will be sharing my blog posts on Patreon, but because I'm already posting for free, my blog posts will be accessible to non-patrons as well. If you remember the trading card art from one or two weeks back, that is all still going to be part of the Patreon rewards. I've actually had these pieces sent in to a mass-printing service, and so I will keep printing as needed to distribute to patrons. Starting at the $3 reward, all of the above plus one piece of trading card art will be yours. At the $7 reward, it's all of the above, two pieces of trading card art, and voting rights on projects. I will talk about the significance of voting rights on my Patreon in a separate post tomorrow, but trust me, they're really important. Lastly, at the $13 reward, it's all of the above, five pieces of trading card art, and the classic your name in the credits of my finished animations.
Thirdly and lastly, since I don't want to make this post any longer than it already is, I've kind of built up a work system for when I'm actively on Patreon. Smaller projects will be completed on a one-month basis, and larger projects will be completed in two months. This holds me accountable to the work, but also gives me some room to breathe and have fun with what I'm working on. Also, as far as original art goes, I've so far boiled work down to four central concepts: Between God and the Devil, Chess, Tommelise, and Desoldri. Because these are all future movies/series, I'm already thinking about how much I reveal to patrons and how much I keep secret for the future. Chess and Tomelise are series, the former I suspect will gather much popularity, so I think I will post more for those (including exploring plotlines and such through graphic novel pages). Because my characters from Between God and the Devil have been pretty popular, I'm going to release some stuff, definitely some comic pages and stuff. But because it will be a movie, I will hold back more on the story (which even now is still under development). Desoldri you'll get even less meat as far as story goes. That's another future movie, and it's going to be big and hopefully amazing. But because of how grand it is, I really can't afford to put out too much, so I might throw out teaser concept art without context for the scenes, characters, etc.
So yeah, those are the basics of when I'm launching on Patreon and how things are going to work for the most part. As always, I'll keep you updated, and tomorrow I'll talk about the importance of the voting rights. Stay tuned!

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