Sunday, June 25, 2017

Going on Patreon-Voting Rights

Hi, ArtzDeeva here! So yesterday, I talked about the overall basics for my upcoming Patreon page, which is again launching Independence Day. Even though the $7 reward tier involving voting is pretty straight forward, I just wanted to further elaborate on the significance of voting rights on my page.
Even as a creative person, I like to think of myself as being very persistent and prolific. And often that is what I am. However, no matter how hard I try sometimes, I'm not always the best with managing time. In my time at Metro, where projects are usually due every one-two months (we go on a quarterly basis), I've found that's given me enough time to not only put in the work, but also make something I'm proud of. Having the supervision of my teachers has also been a good way to reel in my overactive imagination and get me focused on tackling projects one bit at a time.
This is what voting rights will do. Like I said, all my animation and graphic page projects will be in one-two month schedules. With voting rights, you'll not only be able to vote on which project I work on for that month, but also what aspect of it I work on (story, world-building, character design, and color script). At this reward tier, you not only become a patron - you become a creative partner, someone who's actively a part of the development of my projects. Your votes will help me guide the direction of my projects so that I'm not just aimlessly scratching on paper or wrestling with a gigantic story in my brain. And it will help me truly develop my projects from simply bare bones ideas to fully realized worlds and characters.
This I feel will work the best in terms of keeping me accountable to my schedule and patrons. And I think patrons will really enjoy being part of something big. Trust me, these four main projects are all going to be movies and series in the future-that's no small thing, and no amount of help in any of these projects will go unforgotten or unappreciated. And it's also good for me, the artist, as well. So often, it's easy to just go about your work day to day feeling like you're one fish in the sea or disconnected from the audience you want to reach. This system will eradicate such isolation and keep me engaged with those who get excited about the stuff I make.
This is the significance of the voting right tier I'm creating. And for those considering pledging at that amount, I look forward to our creative partnership together.

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